Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!

Did you know that you could freeze cupcakes? About a month ago I had a baby shower which left me with about 2 dozen extra cupcakes. I wrapped each cupcake separately in cling wrap and then aluminum foil. I put them all in Ziploc bags and put them in the freezer. I took 1 out today and let it sit on the counter to defrost. About 2 hours later I unwrapped my package and guess what y'all, it tastes just as good as it did on the day of the shower - Score!

So, I just had a cupcake to celebrate my 32nd birthday and that's the highlight of my day. I've been having 'real' contractions (effing *finally*) all last night and today, but now everything has just stopped. I'm frustrated and exhausted and I just want this kid out. I'm calling the Dr. tomorrow and making them schedule an induction so that I can at least have a end date on this whole thing. If he comes out before hand on his own, awesome, but at least there will be an end date for me to look forward to.

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